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Wastewater Management Fact Sheet Energy Conservation

INTRODUCTION Continual increases in energy costs in the United States affect wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) just as they do other facilities. Energy costs can account for 30 percent of the total op[1]eration and maintenance (O&M) costs of WWTPs (Carns 2005), and WWTPs account for approximately 3 percent of the electric load in the United States. Furthermore, as populations grow and environmental requirements become more stringent, demand for electricity at such plants is expected to grow by approximately 20 percent over the next 15 years (Carns 2005). Energy conservation is thus an issue of increas[1]ing importance to WWTPs. This fact sheet describes possible practices that can be imple[1]mented to conserve energy at a WWTP.
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Wastewater Management Fact Sheet Energy Conservation

INTRODUCTION Continual increases in energy costs in the United States affect wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) just as they do other facilities. Energy costs can account for 30 percent of the total op[1]eration and maintenance (O&M) costs of WWTPs (Carns 2005), and WWTPs account for approximately 3 percent of the electric load in the United States. Furthermore, as populations grow and environmental requirements become more stringent, demand for electricity at such plants is expected to grow by approximately 20 percent over the next 15 years (Carns 2005). Energy conservation is thus an issue of increas[1]ing importance to WWTPs. This fact sheet describes possible practices that can be imple[1]mented to conserve energy at a WWTP.
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