How Important Will Hydrogen be in the Energy System of the Future?
The idea that hydrogen could be an important future energy carrier has been around for some time. Hydrogen has been discussed as an environmentally-friendly alternative to fossil fuels ever since the 1970s oil crisis, and has also featured in the peak oil and climate change debates. But hydrogen was never widely adopted, mainly because oil and gas were too cheap and readily available and the climate policy incentives weren’t strong enough. Now, however, things have changed. Germany and the EU have committed to achieving net zero by 2045 and 2050 respectively. This means that industry and the energy and transport sectors must quickly find alternatives to fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). Renewable electricity has a key role to play, not least because its cost has fallen by between 60 and 90
percent over the last decade [4]1. However, direct electrification of certain processes is either technologically complex or extremely expensive, if not impossible. In these cases, fossil fuels can be replaced by using hydrogen made with renewable electricity either as an energy carrier or an energy storage medium. Moreover, hydrogen is and will continue to be needed as a feedstock and additive in refineries, the chemical industry, etc.
How Important Will Hydrogen be in the Energy System of the Future?
The idea that hydrogen could be an important future energy carrier has been around for some time. Hydrogen has been discussed as an environmentally-friendly alternative to fossil fuels ever since the 1970s oil crisis, and has also featured in the peak oil and climate change debates. But hydrogen was never widely adopted, mainly because oil and gas were too cheap and readily available and the climate policy incentives weren’t strong enough. Now, however, things have changed. Germany and the EU have committed to achieving net zero by 2045 and 2050 respectively. This means that industry and the energy and transport sectors must quickly find alternatives to fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). Renewable electricity has a key role to play, not least because its cost has fallen by between 60 and 90
percent over the last decade [4]1. However, direct electrification of certain processes is either technologically complex or extremely expensive, if not impossible. In these cases, fossil fuels can be replaced by using hydrogen made with renewable electricity either as an energy carrier or an energy storage medium. Moreover, hydrogen is and will continue to be needed as a feedstock and additive in refineries, the chemical industry, etc.
The Palgrave Handbook of International Energy Economics
The future of energy has moved to centre stage in the political and economic debate at the national and international levels. Prompted by concerns for global warming, we have entered a phase of policy rather than solely market-driven
energy transitions, which have turned energy from a mostly technological and occasionally geopolitical issue into a vital subject of economic policy and area of conflict between opposing interest groups. This book has the ambition to
become a reference for readers who wish to be active in the debate and need basic understanding of the economics of energy in its international setting. Presenting a comprehensive overview of the issue, this book aims to be accessible
to a wide readership of both academics and professionals working in the energy industry, as well as to graduate students and to general readers interested in the complexities of the economics of international energy.
The Palgrave Handbook of International Energy Economics
The future of energy has moved to centre stage in the political and economic debate at the national and international levels. Prompted by concerns for global warming, we have entered a phase of policy rather than solely market-driven
energy transitions, which have turned energy from a mostly technological and occasionally geopolitical issue into a vital subject of economic policy and area of conflict between opposing interest groups. This book has the ambition to
become a reference for readers who wish to be active in the debate and need basic understanding of the economics of energy in its international setting. Presenting a comprehensive overview of the issue, this book aims to be accessible
to a wide readership of both academics and professionals working in the energy industry, as well as to graduate students and to general readers interested in the complexities of the economics of international energy.
Hydrogen Production from Thermal Electricity Constraint Management (National Grid ESO & National Gas Transmission)
As the electricity system has decarbonised over the last decade, large-scale renewables have connected onto the electricity transmission network and significant further renewables are expected to connect, to achieve a net zero
electricity system by 2035. A substantial amount of renewable generation is expected to come online in the north of the UK whereas the bulk of energy demand is likely to continue to be in the South. The electricity transmission network needs to be substantially reinforced to enable these power flows, with delivery taking at least 5-10 years for
large transmission infrastructure upgrades given consenting and construction timeframes.
Hydrogen Production from Thermal Electricity Constraint Management (National Grid ESO & National Gas Transmission)
As the electricity system has decarbonised over the last decade, large-scale renewables have connected onto the electricity transmission network and significant further renewables are expected to connect, to achieve a net zero
electricity system by 2035. A substantial amount of renewable generation is expected to come online in the north of the UK whereas the bulk of energy demand is likely to continue to be in the South. The electricity transmission network needs to be substantially reinforced to enable these power flows, with delivery taking at least 5-10 years for
large transmission infrastructure upgrades given consenting and construction timeframes.
Guide to Purchasing Green Power
Today, the diverse array of energy resources used to create electricity can produce very different environmental
impacts. In the United States, power generation is still the nation’s single largest source of industrial air pollution and is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, despite advances in pollution controls over the last 30 years1. Electricity generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, some forms of hydropower, and biomass has proven to be an increasingly attractive choice for electricity consumers. This Guide to Purchasing Green Power focuses on voluntary purchases of electricity generated from these renewable resources. It is intended for businesses and other organizations that want to diversify their electricity supply and reduce the environmental
impact of their electricity use. Although renewable resources can also be used for heating and cooling needs or for
transportation, this guide does not address those applications.
Guide to Purchasing Green Power
Today, the diverse array of energy resources used to create electricity can produce very different environmental
impacts. In the United States, power generation is still the nation’s single largest source of industrial air pollution and is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, despite advances in pollution controls over the last 30 years1. Electricity generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, some forms of hydropower, and biomass has proven to be an increasingly attractive choice for electricity consumers. This Guide to Purchasing Green Power focuses on voluntary purchases of electricity generated from these renewable resources. It is intended for businesses and other organizations that want to diversify their electricity supply and reduce the environmental
impact of their electricity use. Although renewable resources can also be used for heating and cooling needs or for
transportation, this guide does not address those applications.
Green Hydrogen Strategy
Roughly 100 years ago, in February 1923, futurist John Haldane delivered a lecture at Cambridge University on
wind farms that would provide England with clean and cheap electricity to produce hydrogen; he also envisioned
the use of underground hydrogen storage to supply energy when the wind was not available (Haldane, 1923).
Since then, there have been several attempts (for example, during the oil crisis of the 1970s) to scale up hydrogen,
particularly as a clean fuel to replace oil. Each occurrence of a “hydrogen wave of interest” marked a distinct
phase in the exploration and development of hydrogen as a viable energy solution.
The most recent phase is linked to international efforts to avert dangerous climate change. Countries around the
world agreed in 2015 that rapid decarbonisation is needed and adopted the historic Paris Agreement. According
to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activities have unequivocally caused global
warming, and in the last decade the average global surface temperature reached 1.1 degrees Celsius (°C) above
pre-industrial levels. Based on the findings of Working Group III of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, global
temperature is likely to exceed 1.5°C of pre-industrial levels this century, based on current global targets expressed
in National Determined Contributions (NDC), and even limiting warming to below 2°C would rely on a rapid
acceleration of mitigation efforts after 2030.
Green Hydrogen Strategy
Roughly 100 years ago, in February 1923, futurist John Haldane delivered a lecture at Cambridge University on
wind farms that would provide England with clean and cheap electricity to produce hydrogen; he also envisioned
the use of underground hydrogen storage to supply energy when the wind was not available (Haldane, 1923).
Since then, there have been several attempts (for example, during the oil crisis of the 1970s) to scale up hydrogen,
particularly as a clean fuel to replace oil. Each occurrence of a “hydrogen wave of interest” marked a distinct
phase in the exploration and development of hydrogen as a viable energy solution.
The most recent phase is linked to international efforts to avert dangerous climate change. Countries around the
world agreed in 2015 that rapid decarbonisation is needed and adopted the historic Paris Agreement. According
to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activities have unequivocally caused global
warming, and in the last decade the average global surface temperature reached 1.1 degrees Celsius (°C) above
pre-industrial levels. Based on the findings of Working Group III of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, global
temperature is likely to exceed 1.5°C of pre-industrial levels this century, based on current global targets expressed
in National Determined Contributions (NDC), and even limiting warming to below 2°C would rely on a rapid
acceleration of mitigation efforts after 2030.
Variable Renewable Energy Grid Integration Studies: a Guidebook for Practitioners
Countries around the world are establishing ambitious goals to scale up the contribution of renewable energy (RE) toward meeting national energy demand. Because RE resources such as wind and solar generally increase variability and uncertainty associated with power system operations, reaching high penetrations of these resources on the grid requires an evolution in power system planning and operation. To plan for this evolution, power system stakeholders can undertake a grid integration study. A grid integration study is a comprehensive examination of the challenges and potential solutions associated with integrating significant variable RE generation in the electricity grid.
Variable Renewable Energy Grid Integration Studies: a Guidebook for Practitioners
Countries around the world are establishing ambitious goals to scale up the contribution of renewable energy (RE) toward meeting national energy demand. Because RE resources such as wind and solar generally increase variability and uncertainty associated with power system operations, reaching high penetrations of these resources on the grid requires an evolution in power system planning and operation. To plan for this evolution, power system stakeholders can undertake a grid integration study. A grid integration study is a comprehensive examination of the challenges and potential solutions associated with integrating significant variable RE generation in the electricity grid.