Technical Specifications Standard Specifications

These specifications shall be read in conjunction with the other Tender Documents including the Tender Form, Form of Agreement, Schedule of Unit Prices (Bill of Quantities) and Appendices, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Drawings and Notices and Addenda.
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Technical Specifications Standard Specifications

These specifications shall be read in conjunction with the other Tender Documents including the Tender Form, Form of Agreement, Schedule of Unit Prices (Bill of Quantities) and Appendices, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Drawings and Notices and Addenda.

Postharvest Handling of Horticultural Crops

Fruit and vegetables are in a live state after harvest. Continued respiration results in carbon dioxide production, moisture, and heat, which influence the storage environment, packaging, and refrigeration requirements. A current knowledge of good practices for the harvest and postharvest handling of fresh horticultural products is fundamental due to their high perishability.
Postharvest Handling of Horticultural Crops
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Postharvest Handling of Horticultural Crops

Fruit and vegetables are in a live state after harvest. Continued respiration results in carbon dioxide production, moisture, and heat, which influence the storage environment, packaging, and refrigeration requirements. A current knowledge of good practices for the harvest and postharvest handling of fresh horticultural products is fundamental due to their high perishability.

Porous Materials for Environmental Applications

Abstract: In the present manuscript, the preparation of spherical activated carbons (SACs) with suitable adsorption properties and high mechanical strength is reported, taking advantage of the retention of the spherical shape by the raw precursors.
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Porous Materials for Environmental Applications

Abstract: In the present manuscript, the preparation of spherical activated carbons (SACs) with suitable adsorption properties and high mechanical strength is reported, taking advantage of the retention of the spherical shape by the raw precursors.

Plant Responses to Hypoxia

Introduction Molecular oxygen deficiency leads to altered cellular metabolism and can dramatically reduce crop productivity. Nearly all crops are negatively affected by lack of oxygen (hypoxia) due to adverse environmental conditions such as excessive rain and soil waterlogging.
Plant Responses to Hypoxia
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Plant Responses to Hypoxia

Introduction Molecular oxygen deficiency leads to altered cellular metabolism and can dramatically reduce crop productivity. Nearly all crops are negatively affected by lack of oxygen (hypoxia) due to adverse environmental conditions such as excessive rain and soil waterlogging.

Plant Cryopreservation

Cryopreservation is known as an applied aspect of cryobiology or the study of life at low temperatures. Plant cryopreservation, specifically, is a process of cooling and storing vegetal structure as plant cells, tissues, or organs in liquid nitrogen (LN; −196 ◦C) or LN vapor (−160 ◦C).
Plant Cryopreservation
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Plant Cryopreservation

Cryopreservation is known as an applied aspect of cryobiology or the study of life at low temperatures. Plant cryopreservation, specifically, is a process of cooling and storing vegetal structure as plant cells, tissues, or organs in liquid nitrogen (LN; −196 ◦C) or LN vapor (−160 ◦C).
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