Adaptation Strategies Guide For Water Utilities

Introduction The Adaptation Strategies Guide for Water Utilities provides adaptation options for drinking water, wastewater and stormwater utilities based on region and projected climate impacts. While specific example adaptation options are described in the Guide, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for adaptation planning. Utilities will need to use the information included in this Guide to assist them in developing plans that contain adaptation options suited to their specific needs, taking into consideration their location, climate impacts of concern and available resources. Utilities should collaborate with state and federal authorities, interdependent sectors (i.e., energy, agriculture, forestry and wildlife) and other nearby utilities early in the adaptation planning process to ensure comprehensive and consistent planning. Readers should use this Guide as an informational resource to identify potential strategies for adapting to climate change impacts. This Introduction provides background information to promote a better understanding of the adaptation planning process. The document then allows users to identify their relevant challenges by climate region and consider potential adaptation options to address these challenges. Finally, a Worksheet for Adaptation Planning is provided to allow users to organize the information in this Guide and tailor it to their utility.
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Adaptation Strategies Guide For Water Utilities

Introduction The Adaptation Strategies Guide for Water Utilities provides adaptation options for drinking water, wastewater and stormwater utilities based on region and projected climate impacts. While specific example adaptation options are described in the Guide, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for adaptation planning. Utilities will need to use the information included in this Guide to assist them in developing plans that contain adaptation options suited to their specific needs, taking into consideration their location, climate impacts of concern and available resources. Utilities should collaborate with state and federal authorities, interdependent sectors (i.e., energy, agriculture, forestry and wildlife) and other nearby utilities early in the adaptation planning process to ensure comprehensive and consistent planning. Readers should use this Guide as an informational resource to identify potential strategies for adapting to climate change impacts. This Introduction provides background information to promote a better understanding of the adaptation planning process. The document then allows users to identify their relevant challenges by climate region and consider potential adaptation options to address these challenges. Finally, a Worksheet for Adaptation Planning is provided to allow users to organize the information in this Guide and tailor it to their utility.

Engineering Design Standards And Specifications Manual

Introduction The Township of Springwater Engineering Design Standards and Specifications Manual herein presented are intended as a guideline to provide a good engineering basis for subdivision design, to establish a uniform criteria of minimum standards, and to improve processing of subdivision plans and agreements in the Township of Springwater. Technological or economical changes which improve or maintain the quality of the design will be considered at the Township’s discretion. These standards are meant to be read in conjunction with Township of Springwater Engineering Design Standard Drawings. Changes and revisions will be made to the engineering standards and standard drawings from time to time and it is the responsibility of the Developer or Consulting Engineer to obtain and make use of the latest versions available at the time of subdivision design. It is understood that these standards may be referred to as a schedule in a subdivision agreement and that the current revision of the standards are then considered to be part of the agreement.
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Engineering Design Standards And Specifications Manual

Introduction The Township of Springwater Engineering Design Standards and Specifications Manual herein presented are intended as a guideline to provide a good engineering basis for subdivision design, to establish a uniform criteria of minimum standards, and to improve processing of subdivision plans and agreements in the Township of Springwater. Technological or economical changes which improve or maintain the quality of the design will be considered at the Township’s discretion. These standards are meant to be read in conjunction with Township of Springwater Engineering Design Standard Drawings. Changes and revisions will be made to the engineering standards and standard drawings from time to time and it is the responsibility of the Developer or Consulting Engineer to obtain and make use of the latest versions available at the time of subdivision design. It is understood that these standards may be referred to as a schedule in a subdivision agreement and that the current revision of the standards are then considered to be part of the agreement.
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