Effects Of Land Use On The Ecohydrology Of River Basin In Accordance With Climate Change

A total of nine original publications and one concept paper are included in this Special Issue on water management and land use (Appendix A). Research topics include desertification in the Mexico Valley, the evaluation of environmental conditions and chemicals in Lithuania’s water supply, and land use changes in the Polish mountains.
Effects of Land Use on the Ecohydrology of River Basin in Accordance with Climate Change
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Effects Of Land Use On The Ecohydrology Of River Basin In Accordance With Climate Change

A total of nine original publications and one concept paper are included in this Special Issue on water management and land use (Appendix A). Research topics include desertification in the Mexico Valley, the evaluation of environmental conditions and chemicals in Lithuania’s water supply, and land use changes in the Polish mountains.

Centrales Nucléaires Et Environnement

Il y a six ans une équipe multidisciplinaire de chercheurs, ingénieurs, juristes et exploitants de centrales nucléaires ont réuni leurs compétences et leur expérience pour rédiger le premier guide « Centrales Nucléaires et Environnement ».
Centrales Nucléaires Et Environnement
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Centrales Nucléaires Et Environnement

Il y a six ans une équipe multidisciplinaire de chercheurs, ingénieurs, juristes et exploitants de centrales nucléaires ont réuni leurs compétences et leur expérience pour rédiger le premier guide « Centrales Nucléaires et Environnement ».

Ecosystem Service and Land-Use Changes in Asia

The aim of this Special Issue (SI) of Sustainability is to provide insight into how land use, with its interaction with historical land management, has configured the services provided by ecosystems. This SI presents case studies that explore the impacts of direct and indirect drivers affecting the provision of ecosystem services in Asian countries, including China, India, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. Findings from these empirical studies contribute to developing sustainability in Asia at both local and regional scales.
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Ecosystem Service and Land-Use Changes in Asia

The aim of this Special Issue (SI) of Sustainability is to provide insight into how land use, with its interaction with historical land management, has configured the services provided by ecosystems. This SI presents case studies that explore the impacts of direct and indirect drivers affecting the provision of ecosystem services in Asian countries, including China, India, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. Findings from these empirical studies contribute to developing sustainability in Asia at both local and regional scales.

Ecology And Conservation Of Freshwater Fishes Biodiversity

Freshwater fishes are the most diverse vertebrate group, with almost 36,000 species described so far, and more species are being discovered all the time, evenly distributed between marine and freshwater habitats.
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Ecology And Conservation Of Freshwater Fishes Biodiversity

Freshwater fishes are the most diverse vertebrate group, with almost 36,000 species described so far, and more species are being discovered all the time, evenly distributed between marine and freshwater habitats.

Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges

As climate change has been of great concern worldwide for many years, addressing global climate challenges is the most significant task for humanity. Thus, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) has launched initiatives across multiple societal benefit areas (agriculture, biodiversity, climate, disasters, ecosystems, energy, health, water, and weather), such as the Global Forest Observations Initiative, the GEO Carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) Initiative, the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network, the GEO Blue Planet, and so on.
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Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges

As climate change has been of great concern worldwide for many years, addressing global climate challenges is the most significant task for humanity. Thus, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) has launched initiatives across multiple societal benefit areas (agriculture, biodiversity, climate, disasters, ecosystems, energy, health, water, and weather), such as the Global Forest Observations Initiative, the GEO Carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) Initiative, the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network, the GEO Blue Planet, and so on.

Earth Observation Science and Applications for Risk Reduction and Enhanced Resilience in Hindu Kush Himalaya Region

The guiding principle of SERVIR, a joint initiative of NASA and USAID, has been “Connecting Space to Village”—a pretty ambitious statement that calls for Earth observation (EO) applications to be employed to address real problems on the ground. At the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR-HKH)—as the regional hub for the HKH region—has strived to achieve these objectives over the past decade by working on EO applications to deal with issues of regional priority.
Earth Observation Science and Applications for Risk Reduction and Enhanced Resilience in Hindu Kush Himalaya Region
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Earth Observation Science and Applications for Risk Reduction and Enhanced Resilience in Hindu Kush Himalaya Region

The guiding principle of SERVIR, a joint initiative of NASA and USAID, has been “Connecting Space to Village”—a pretty ambitious statement that calls for Earth observation (EO) applications to be employed to address real problems on the ground. At the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR-HKH)—as the regional hub for the HKH region—has strived to achieve these objectives over the past decade by working on EO applications to deal with issues of regional priority.

Dynamics Of The Coastal Zone

The coastal zone hosts many human activities and interests, which have significantly increased in the last few decades. However, climate change may have destabilizing effects on such activities all over the world: sea level rise and the increase in the magnitude and frequency of storm events can severely affect beaches and coastal structures, with negative consequences and dramatic impacts for coastal communities from different (e.g., ecological, recreational, environmental) points of view.
Dynamics of the Coastal Zone
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Dynamics Of The Coastal Zone

The coastal zone hosts many human activities and interests, which have significantly increased in the last few decades. However, climate change may have destabilizing effects on such activities all over the world: sea level rise and the increase in the magnitude and frequency of storm events can severely affect beaches and coastal structures, with negative consequences and dramatic impacts for coastal communities from different (e.g., ecological, recreational, environmental) points of view.

Efectividad Del Gel Aloe Vera Ozonizado Sobre La Inhibición Del Crecimiento De Enterococcus Faecalis

Este estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar la efectividad del gel de Aloe Vera ozonizado sobre la inhibición del crecimiento de Enterococcus faecalis según tiempo de aplicación. Fue de tipo cuasi-experimental, longitudinal y aplicativo.
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Efectividad Del Gel Aloe Vera Ozonizado Sobre La Inhibición Del Crecimiento De Enterococcus Faecalis

Este estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar la efectividad del gel de Aloe Vera ozonizado sobre la inhibición del crecimiento de Enterococcus faecalis según tiempo de aplicación. Fue de tipo cuasi-experimental, longitudinal y aplicativo.
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