An Introduction To Oilfield & Drilling Operations

The oil industry provides us with so much; fuel for our cars and trucks and aeroplanes; electrical power for our homes; road surfaces; plastics of all kinds; even medicines. We rely so heavily on oil and gas and their products, that it would be hard to imagine life without it. Over the past 100 years the oil industry has grown and developed to be one of the most powerful and large industries in the world; with many countries relying on it for money. Poorer countries have gained a lot from oil with revenue in the form of license sharing, taxes and nationalised companies providing lots of money for national governments and over a long period too. 

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An Introduction To Oilfield & Drilling Operations

The oil industry provides us with so much; fuel for our cars and trucks and aeroplanes; electrical power for our homes; road surfaces; plastics of all kinds; even medicines. We rely so heavily on oil and gas and their products, that it would be hard to imagine life without it. Over the past 100 years the oil industry has grown and developed to be one of the most powerful and large industries in the world; with many countries relying on it for money. Poorer countries have gained a lot from oil with revenue in the form of license sharing, taxes and nationalised companies providing lots of money for national governments and over a long period too. 

Theory and Operation of Purification Systems

Introduction Purification is an important part of any synthesis gas generation plant, and this is no different for an Ammonia plant. Because of the large volumes of hydrocarbon feedstock processed even small traces of poisons exit the purification system will have a significant cumulative effect on the performance of downstream catalysts. It is therefore extremely important to completely purify the feedstock before it is further processed to achieve the long catalyst lives and hence production runs needed for economic operation. As such the importance of the good operation, monitoring and maintenance of the purification system can not be understated. The purpose of this paper is to, • Detail some fundamentals about purification chemistry, • Detail the principles of the operation of purification, • Discuss some common operating problems.
Theory and Operation of Purification Systems
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Theory and Operation of Purification Systems

Introduction Purification is an important part of any synthesis gas generation plant, and this is no different for an Ammonia plant. Because of the large volumes of hydrocarbon feedstock processed even small traces of poisons exit the purification system will have a significant cumulative effect on the performance of downstream catalysts. It is therefore extremely important to completely purify the feedstock before it is further processed to achieve the long catalyst lives and hence production runs needed for economic operation. As such the importance of the good operation, monitoring and maintenance of the purification system can not be understated. The purpose of this paper is to, • Detail some fundamentals about purification chemistry, • Detail the principles of the operation of purification, • Discuss some common operating problems.
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