CCE Chemical Safety Manual

Usually dispatched in 2 to 3 days
Usually dispatched in 2 to 3 days
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Safety plan for the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Training in Safety is required for everyone in the CCE Division. Before being issued a key and beginning work, each new member must have documented training in the
following areas. Training is provided at Three Levels for new employees:
1. Safety Orientation – for all new employees, including office staff
Safety organization structure
Right to know
Medical trips and reporting
Safety equipment
Evacuation plan for fire and earthquake

2. Laboratory Safety – for researchers in chemical laboratories
Safety equipment available
Films on proper practice
Electrical Equipment spark/hazards
Labeling of chemicals
Chemical disposal
Spill Clean up
Inspection procedure
Prestart up inspection
Chemical Hazard
Hazard classification guide
Carcinogen, tetragon
3. Group Safety – procedures will be developed by each research group
Biological hazards*
Vacuum line


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