Desalination Technologies
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Eftihia Tzen
Wind Energy Department
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Water Desalination & RO
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California Desalination Planning Handbook
Desalination is receiving increased attention as a means for addressing the water supply challenges of California. Growing population, much of which is located in semi-arid regions of the state, and various other water demands pose increased pressure on existing water supplies. Much of California’s water supply depends on snow accumulation in the winter, providing spring runoff that flls reservoirs and replenishes often depleted groundwater supplies. But in periods of drought, water supply shortages can be encountered throughout the state, particularly in the central valley and southern portion of the state. All indications suggest the impacts of global warming will include a change in the timing of runoff and less snowfall. This will put more pressure on existing supplies, and exacerbate the impacts of drought. As the implications of global warming become clearer, more emphasis will likely be given to developing
new sources of water supply to meet existing and projected demand. While conservation and recycling are recommended as the frst course of action, other alternatives (such as desalination and increased surface and groundwater storage) are receiving increased attention.
California Desalination Planning Handbook
Desalination is receiving increased attention as a means for addressing the water supply challenges of California. Growing population, much of which is located in semi-arid regions of the state, and various other water demands pose increased pressure on existing water supplies. Much of California’s water supply depends on snow accumulation in the winter, providing spring runoff that flls reservoirs and replenishes often depleted groundwater supplies. But in periods of drought, water supply shortages can be encountered throughout the state, particularly in the central valley and southern portion of the state. All indications suggest the impacts of global warming will include a change in the timing of runoff and less snowfall. This will put more pressure on existing supplies, and exacerbate the impacts of drought. As the implications of global warming become clearer, more emphasis will likely be given to developing
new sources of water supply to meet existing and projected demand. While conservation and recycling are recommended as the frst course of action, other alternatives (such as desalination and increased surface and groundwater storage) are receiving increased attention.
Tailoring Advanced Desalination Technologies for 21st Century Agriculture
Abstract: Substantial parts of the U.S., particularly drier landlocked regions, are facing acute water shortages and water quality issues that decrease agricultural productivity. Reduced crop yields cause billions of dollars in losses annually, affecting the livelihoods of thousands. A combination of population growth, inefficient agricultural practices, and resource demanding consumption trends is only expected to increase pressure on our water supplies. This research proposal seeks to address water and food security issues by cost-effectively and energy-efficiently enhancing water quality and water supply in greenhouses; a $22.93 billion dollar industry in 2017 that is rapidly growing at an annual rate of 8.92%. Greenhouses widely practice desalination of salty irrigation water to improve their operations. However, currently used desalination methods do not tailor greenhouse waters based on crop requirements. This work investigates a fully integrated desalination solution that treats and tailors brackish source waters ingreenhouses to save fertilizer and water. Specifically, this project experimentally studies multi-ion transport in and assesses the economic viable of monovalent selective electrodialysis (MSED). MSED allows for the selective removal of monovalent ions damaging to crops and the retention of divalent ions beneficial for crops, unlike the widely used reverse osmosis (RO), which removes all ions from greenhouse source water. First, we evaluate the techno-economic feasibility of MSED compared to other brackish desalination technologies for agricultural applications, based on primary market research we conduct with over 70 greenhouses.
These include conventional technologies, such as reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodialysis (ED), and advanced technologies, such as closed circuit reverse osmosis (CCRO). The analysis determines the levelized costs of water, the capital costs and energy requirements of these technologies, and how these vary with feed salinity, system capacity and recovery ratio. Then, we build a bench-scale setup to experientially characterize MSED membrane properties, including monovalent selectivity, ion transport, limiting current and resistance, for multiple brackish feedwaters and for two sets of MSED membranes: the widely used Neosepta ACS/CMS membranes and the new Fujifilm Type 16 membranes. Both MSED membranes show notable monovalent selectivity for all tested compositions, reflecting the potential of the technology for selective desalination in greenhouses. The measurements are compared to a model for MSED in multi-ion solutions. The model predicts multi-ion transport for the Neosepta and Fujifilm MSED systems within 6% and 8%, respectively.
Tailoring Advanced Desalination Technologies for 21st Century Agriculture
Abstract: Substantial parts of the U.S., particularly drier landlocked regions, are facing acute water shortages and water quality issues that decrease agricultural productivity. Reduced crop yields cause billions of dollars in losses annually, affecting the livelihoods of thousands. A combination of population growth, inefficient agricultural practices, and resource demanding consumption trends is only expected to increase pressure on our water supplies. This research proposal seeks to address water and food security issues by cost-effectively and energy-efficiently enhancing water quality and water supply in greenhouses; a $22.93 billion dollar industry in 2017 that is rapidly growing at an annual rate of 8.92%. Greenhouses widely practice desalination of salty irrigation water to improve their operations. However, currently used desalination methods do not tailor greenhouse waters based on crop requirements. This work investigates a fully integrated desalination solution that treats and tailors brackish source waters ingreenhouses to save fertilizer and water. Specifically, this project experimentally studies multi-ion transport in and assesses the economic viable of monovalent selective electrodialysis (MSED). MSED allows for the selective removal of monovalent ions damaging to crops and the retention of divalent ions beneficial for crops, unlike the widely used reverse osmosis (RO), which removes all ions from greenhouse source water. First, we evaluate the techno-economic feasibility of MSED compared to other brackish desalination technologies for agricultural applications, based on primary market research we conduct with over 70 greenhouses.
These include conventional technologies, such as reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodialysis (ED), and advanced technologies, such as closed circuit reverse osmosis (CCRO). The analysis determines the levelized costs of water, the capital costs and energy requirements of these technologies, and how these vary with feed salinity, system capacity and recovery ratio. Then, we build a bench-scale setup to experientially characterize MSED membrane properties, including monovalent selectivity, ion transport, limiting current and resistance, for multiple brackish feedwaters and for two sets of MSED membranes: the widely used Neosepta ACS/CMS membranes and the new Fujifilm Type 16 membranes. Both MSED membranes show notable monovalent selectivity for all tested compositions, reflecting the potential of the technology for selective desalination in greenhouses. The measurements are compared to a model for MSED in multi-ion solutions. The model predicts multi-ion transport for the Neosepta and Fujifilm MSED systems within 6% and 8%, respectively.
Desalination and Membrane Technologies: Federal Research and Adoption Issues
In the United States, desalination and membrane technologies are used to augment municipal water supply, produce high-quality industrial water supplies, and reclaim contaminated supplies (including from oil and gas development). Approximately 2,000 desalination facilities larger than
0.3 million gallons per day (MGD) operate in the United States; this represents more than 2% of U.S. municipal and industrial freshwater use. At issue for Congress is what should be the federal role in supporting desalination and membrane technology research and facilities. Desalination issues before the 114th Congress may include how to focus federal research, at what level to support desalination research and projects, and how to provide a regulatory context that protects the environment and public health without disadvantaging desalination’s adoption.
Desalination and Membrane Technologies: Federal Research and Adoption Issues
In the United States, desalination and membrane technologies are used to augment municipal water supply, produce high-quality industrial water supplies, and reclaim contaminated supplies (including from oil and gas development). Approximately 2,000 desalination facilities larger than
0.3 million gallons per day (MGD) operate in the United States; this represents more than 2% of U.S. municipal and industrial freshwater use. At issue for Congress is what should be the federal role in supporting desalination and membrane technology research and facilities. Desalination issues before the 114th Congress may include how to focus federal research, at what level to support desalination research and projects, and how to provide a regulatory context that protects the environment and public health without disadvantaging desalination’s adoption.
Desalination & Water Purification Technologies
The world’s water consumption rate is doubling every 20 years, outpacing by two times the rate of population growth. The availability of good quality water is on the decline and water demand is on the rise. Worldwide availability of fresh water for industrial needs and human consumption is limited.
Various industrial and developmental activities in recent times have resulted in increasing the pollution level and deteriorating the water quality. Water shortages and unreliable water quality are considered major obstacles to achieve sustainable development and improvement in the quality of life. The water
demand in the country is increasing fast due to progressive increase in the demand of water for irrigation, rapid industrialization, and population growth and improving life standards. The existing water resources are diminishing (i) due to unequal distribution of rain water and occasional drought, (ii) excessive exploitation of ground water sources and its insufficient recharge, (iii) deterioration of water quality due to the discharge of domestic and industrial effluents without adequate treatment. This is resulting into water stress/ scarcity. Country is currently passing through social and economic transition.
The proportion of the population which is urban has doubled over the last thirty years (and is now about 30%), agriculture now accounts for about 25% of GDP and the economy has been growing at around 7-9% a year. Country has a highly seasonal pattern of rainfall, with 50% of precipitation falling
in just 15 days and over 90% of river flows in just four months
Desalination & Water Purification Technologies
The world’s water consumption rate is doubling every 20 years, outpacing by two times the rate of population growth. The availability of good quality water is on the decline and water demand is on the rise. Worldwide availability of fresh water for industrial needs and human consumption is limited.
Various industrial and developmental activities in recent times have resulted in increasing the pollution level and deteriorating the water quality. Water shortages and unreliable water quality are considered major obstacles to achieve sustainable development and improvement in the quality of life. The water
demand in the country is increasing fast due to progressive increase in the demand of water for irrigation, rapid industrialization, and population growth and improving life standards. The existing water resources are diminishing (i) due to unequal distribution of rain water and occasional drought, (ii) excessive exploitation of ground water sources and its insufficient recharge, (iii) deterioration of water quality due to the discharge of domestic and industrial effluents without adequate treatment. This is resulting into water stress/ scarcity. Country is currently passing through social and economic transition.
The proportion of the population which is urban has doubled over the last thirty years (and is now about 30%), agriculture now accounts for about 25% of GDP and the economy has been growing at around 7-9% a year. Country has a highly seasonal pattern of rainfall, with 50% of precipitation falling
in just 15 days and over 90% of river flows in just four months
Desalination and Water Treatment
This study proposes a simple design method of the Reverse osmosis (RO) system in RO brackish water desalination plants. This method is based on the application of maximum available recovery without scaling of any of the compounds present in the water as silica, calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sulfate, strontium sulfate, and calcium fluoride, and membrane manufacturer design guidelines, and the plant production. Although the method was originally
conceived for application to subterranean brackish waters in the Canary Islands, Spain (principally Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Tenerife), it can be extrapolated to other types of region and water treatable with RO systems. The required input data are the chemical composition of the feed water, pH, temperature, silt density index membrane manufacturer design guidelines, and the plant production. The programmed method then determines the design of the RO system. The method whose procedure is described graphically and analytically can be used as an aid in design optimization of RO brackish water desalination plants with acid-free pretreatment processes and only the use of scale inhibitor using spiral wound membranes. Practical applications are presented. The final results for different types of feed water and capacities are showed.
Desalination and Water Treatment
This study proposes a simple design method of the Reverse osmosis (RO) system in RO brackish water desalination plants. This method is based on the application of maximum available recovery without scaling of any of the compounds present in the water as silica, calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sulfate, strontium sulfate, and calcium fluoride, and membrane manufacturer design guidelines, and the plant production. Although the method was originally
conceived for application to subterranean brackish waters in the Canary Islands, Spain (principally Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Tenerife), it can be extrapolated to other types of region and water treatable with RO systems. The required input data are the chemical composition of the feed water, pH, temperature, silt density index membrane manufacturer design guidelines, and the plant production. The programmed method then determines the design of the RO system. The method whose procedure is described graphically and analytically can be used as an aid in design optimization of RO brackish water desalination plants with acid-free pretreatment processes and only the use of scale inhibitor using spiral wound membranes. Practical applications are presented. The final results for different types of feed water and capacities are showed.
Desalination Technology Trends And CH2M HILL
Presentation Outline:
- The Growing Desalination Market
- Trends in the Technology/Virtual expo
- Thermal Desalination
Desalination Technology Trends And CH2M HILL
Presentation Outline:
- The Growing Desalination Market
- Trends in the Technology/Virtual expo
- Thermal Desalination
Assessment Of Best Available Technologies For Desalination In Rural/Local Areas
Introduction: The Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) is a European Union(EU)-funded Regional Technical
Assistance Program [1] that “aims at supporting water governance and mainstreaming by promoting sustainable
and equitable water resources management to become a prominent feature of national development policies and
strategies (agriculture, industry, tourism, etc).” [2]
Countries in the south of the Mediterranean are facing increasing water scarcity. This scarcity is driving the need
for augmenting conventional water supply with alternative water sources. Rural and remote areas are particularly
disadvantaged because such areas are often located far away from municipal water supply systems and
conventional water sources, and are often not connected to the electric power grid. There is good potential for
addressing the water scarcity problem in rural and remote areas through sustainable saline water desalination
technologies. Seawater and brackish water desalination are well-established industries comprising a wide variety
of available technologies with decades of accumulated experience. There are many advancements and evolution in
desalination technologies. The numerous technologies and processes available have different characteristics,
advantages and disadvantages that make each suitable for particular market segments or specific niches.
Moreover, much of the cumulative technology experience is related to large urban supply plants that are either
connected to the grid, or are themselves part of large power and desalination cogeneration plants. Rural and
remote areas have special requirements that influence the appropriate selection of technologies. These include
technical requirements related to small-scale application using renewable energy sources, ease of operation and
maintenance, and simple design; requirements dictated by geographical location; as well as socio-economic and
socio-cultural requirements related to the communities that are intended to operate and benefit from the
technology. Successful implementation and long term sustainability (operational and environmental sustainability)
of desalination projects for rural and remote locations requires that all the relevant requirements be identified and
addressed from the earliest stages of the project.
Assessment Of Best Available Technologies For Desalination In Rural/Local Areas
Introduction: The Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) is a European Union(EU)-funded Regional Technical
Assistance Program [1] that “aims at supporting water governance and mainstreaming by promoting sustainable
and equitable water resources management to become a prominent feature of national development policies and
strategies (agriculture, industry, tourism, etc).” [2]
Countries in the south of the Mediterranean are facing increasing water scarcity. This scarcity is driving the need
for augmenting conventional water supply with alternative water sources. Rural and remote areas are particularly
disadvantaged because such areas are often located far away from municipal water supply systems and
conventional water sources, and are often not connected to the electric power grid. There is good potential for
addressing the water scarcity problem in rural and remote areas through sustainable saline water desalination
technologies. Seawater and brackish water desalination are well-established industries comprising a wide variety
of available technologies with decades of accumulated experience. There are many advancements and evolution in
desalination technologies. The numerous technologies and processes available have different characteristics,
advantages and disadvantages that make each suitable for particular market segments or specific niches.
Moreover, much of the cumulative technology experience is related to large urban supply plants that are either
connected to the grid, or are themselves part of large power and desalination cogeneration plants. Rural and
remote areas have special requirements that influence the appropriate selection of technologies. These include
technical requirements related to small-scale application using renewable energy sources, ease of operation and
maintenance, and simple design; requirements dictated by geographical location; as well as socio-economic and
socio-cultural requirements related to the communities that are intended to operate and benefit from the
technology. Successful implementation and long term sustainability (operational and environmental sustainability)
of desalination projects for rural and remote locations requires that all the relevant requirements be identified and
addressed from the earliest stages of the project.
Desalination Plant Basis Of Design
The project potable water requirements will be provided using single desalination plant with the Grand Bahama Port Authority water supply serving as the backup source. The overall desalination treatment process will consist of feedwater pumping, bag filtration, optional media filtration, the addition of a scale
inhibitor, cartridge filtration, membrane separation, forced air degasification, re-pumping, and post treatment. Provisions have been included to bypass the post treatment systems for the production of irrigation water. The post aeration re-pump station will be designed to transfer either type of water to the
appropriate storage tanks located within the project. Membrane concentrate will be disposed via an injection well to be constructed as part of this project.
The desalination process will consist of a dual treatment units or “trains” each equipped with a positive displacement axial piston first pass membrane feed pump, first pass membrane array, energy recovery system, second pass membrane feed pump, second pass membrane array, high- and low-pressure
piping and instrumentation. The second pass system is designed to treat up to 60 percent of the first pass permeate. A membrane cleaning/flush system will be provided. The membrane post treatment will be designed to receive the flow from both units and consists of a forced air degasified, repumping, recarbonation, calcium carbonate up flow contactors to boost finished water hardness and alkalinity concentrations; and three chemical feed systems for the metering of a corrosion inhibitor, dilute hydrochloric acid for pH adjustment and sodium hypochlorite for residual disinfection. The final pH and chlorine residual will be controlled and recorded by a separate system. The following sections describe the various aspects of the facility in greater detail. Process flow
schematics are presented in Appendix A.
Desalination Plant Basis Of Design
The project potable water requirements will be provided using single desalination plant with the Grand Bahama Port Authority water supply serving as the backup source. The overall desalination treatment process will consist of feedwater pumping, bag filtration, optional media filtration, the addition of a scale
inhibitor, cartridge filtration, membrane separation, forced air degasification, re-pumping, and post treatment. Provisions have been included to bypass the post treatment systems for the production of irrigation water. The post aeration re-pump station will be designed to transfer either type of water to the
appropriate storage tanks located within the project. Membrane concentrate will be disposed via an injection well to be constructed as part of this project.
The desalination process will consist of a dual treatment units or “trains” each equipped with a positive displacement axial piston first pass membrane feed pump, first pass membrane array, energy recovery system, second pass membrane feed pump, second pass membrane array, high- and low-pressure
piping and instrumentation. The second pass system is designed to treat up to 60 percent of the first pass permeate. A membrane cleaning/flush system will be provided. The membrane post treatment will be designed to receive the flow from both units and consists of a forced air degasified, repumping, recarbonation, calcium carbonate up flow contactors to boost finished water hardness and alkalinity concentrations; and three chemical feed systems for the metering of a corrosion inhibitor, dilute hydrochloric acid for pH adjustment and sodium hypochlorite for residual disinfection. The final pH and chlorine residual will be controlled and recorded by a separate system. The following sections describe the various aspects of the facility in greater detail. Process flow
schematics are presented in Appendix A.
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