Final Performance Evaluation Of Water Sanitation And Hygiene Transformation For Enhanced Resiliency
Final Performance Evaluation of Water Sanitation and Hygiene Transformation for Enhanced Resiliency
The IRC and, CARE, constructed 22 new and rehabilitated 19 existing borehole-based systems with corresponding distribution networks. Environmental health agents (EHAs) and volunteer community hygiene promoters (HPs) complemented the installation of these new and rehabilitated water systems with hygiene promotion activities in target areas. Hygiene education focused on instilling the value of safe water as well as improving key risky behaviors. Drawing on expertise in sustainable water resource provision and natural resource management, the IRC and CARE worked to ensure that proposed water interventions were implemented through a conflict-sensitive approach that maximized local capacity to manage natural resources and minimizes environmental impact. The capacity building incorporated different approaches including training the local governments in dispute resolution and building the capacity of the local community to take ownership and enhance engagement in the management of their environment for sustainability.
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