Hydraulic Study For The New Cairo Raw Water Pipeline
phase is expected to be completed by the end of 2011. The system consists of one raw water intake pump station (IPS), three booster pump stations (BPS 2, 3, and 4), and multiple parallel 2200-millimeter (mm) and 2600-mm diameter pipelines that run approximately 30 kilometers (km) from the Nile River to the newly constructed New Cairo Potable Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Construction will be completed in eight pump installation phases, with design flows ranging from 6 cubic meters per second (m3/sec) at Phase 1 to an ultimate flow of 48 m3 Because the pumping capacity required for Phases 5-8 is to be supplied by a parallel system of pump stations and pipelines that mirror Phases 1-4 (with identical hydraulics and capacities), the following report is based on analysis of Phases 1-4 only. The ultimate flow rate for Phase 4 is 24 m /sec at Phase 8.
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