Module 22: Inorganics Removal Basics
Usually dispatched in 2 to 3 days
Usually dispatched in 2 to 3 days
Drinking Water Treatment
Learning Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
Explain how a primary and a secondary inorganic contaminant are different.
State a few primary inorganic contaminant concerns
State a few secondary inorganic contaminant concerns
Be able to reference the MCL list
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Adsorbent Material Used In Water Treatment-A Review
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Adsorbent Material Used In Water Treatment-A Review
Adsorption method of purify water relies mainly on the adsorbent to adsorb the impurities in the water, this paper introduces the latest research progress both at home and abroad, such as activated carbon, chitosan, zeolites, clay minerals plant-based, industrial waste . These adsorbent type will play a more and more important role in water treatment in the future.
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• List the three ways in which management ensures that the staff complies with monitoring requirements.
• Discuss reporting requirements when complying with federal and state regulations.
Module 11: Administration of Water Treatment Plants
• Describe how water treatment plants comply with their minimum federal and state monitoring requirements.
• List the three ways in which management ensures that the staff complies with monitoring requirements.
• Discuss reporting requirements when complying with federal and state regulations.
A Study on the Introduction of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Water Treatment Process
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A Study on the Introduction of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Water Treatment Process
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Recommended Standards for Water Works
A Report of the Water Supply Committee of the Great Lakes--Upper Mississippi River Board
of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers
Recommended Standards for Water Works
A Report of the Water Supply Committee of the Great Lakes--Upper Mississippi River Board
of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers
Inorganic Contaminant Removal
The 2006 version of the Pa. DEP Inorganic Contaminant Removal module has detailed advanced treatment information on this topic and can be obtained by e-mailing the Pa. DEP Safe Drinking Water Training Section at to request a copy. This advanced module has additional information on the removal of various inorganic contaminants as well as on oxidation, ion exchange, activated alumina and sequestration. The 2006 document also includes more detailed information on the inorganic contaminant treatments of GAC (granular activated carbon), coagulation/filtration, membranes, and lime softening. It includes the following information:
- Inorganic contaminant treatment selection considerations
- Advanced inorganic contaminant removal chemistry terminology
- Advanced inorganic contaminant removal chemistry explanations
- Conventional filtration and how it relates to inorganic removal
- Detailed information on treatments for iron and manganese removal
- Detailed information on treatments for hardness removal
- Detailed information on inorganic contaminant monitoring protocols
- Detailed tables on the following topics:
- Sources of 26 inorganic contaminants
- Common secondary standards with effects, inorganic contributors and indications
- Various treatment technology options to consider for 24 inorganic contaminants
- Potential forms of iron and manganese
- Iron and manganese sampling procedures
- Iron and manganese oxidant selection criteria
- Iron and manganese theoretical (initial) dosing criteria
- Potential treatments for less common inorganics
- Potential treatments for miscellaneous trace metals
Inorganic Contaminant Removal
The 2006 version of the Pa. DEP Inorganic Contaminant Removal module has detailed advanced treatment information on this topic and can be obtained by e-mailing the Pa. DEP Safe Drinking Water Training Section at to request a copy. This advanced module has additional information on the removal of various inorganic contaminants as well as on oxidation, ion exchange, activated alumina and sequestration. The 2006 document also includes more detailed information on the inorganic contaminant treatments of GAC (granular activated carbon), coagulation/filtration, membranes, and lime softening. It includes the following information:
- Inorganic contaminant treatment selection considerations
- Advanced inorganic contaminant removal chemistry terminology
- Advanced inorganic contaminant removal chemistry explanations
- Conventional filtration and how it relates to inorganic removal
- Detailed information on treatments for iron and manganese removal
- Detailed information on treatments for hardness removal
- Detailed information on inorganic contaminant monitoring protocols
- Detailed tables on the following topics:
- Sources of 26 inorganic contaminants
- Common secondary standards with effects, inorganic contributors and indications
- Various treatment technology options to consider for 24 inorganic contaminants
- Potential forms of iron and manganese
- Iron and manganese sampling procedures
- Iron and manganese oxidant selection criteria
- Iron and manganese theoretical (initial) dosing criteria
- Potential treatments for less common inorganics
- Potential treatments for miscellaneous trace metals
Aerogel & Iron-Oxide Impregnated Granular Activated Carbon Media For Arsenic Removal
The goal of this project is to validate proof-of-concept testing for iron enriched granular activated carbon (GAC) composites (aerogel-GAC or iron-oxide impregnated) as a viable adsorbent for removing arsenic from groundwater and conduct technical and economic feasibility assessments for these innovative processes. Specific project objectives include: • Conduct batch experiments for aerogel-GAC and Fe-oxide impregnated GAC composites to evaluate their performance removing arsenic.
• Evaluate Fe-GAC media performance in rapid small scale column tests (RSSCTs) to assess arsenic removal in a more dynamic treatment system.
• Evaluate Fe-GAC potential for removal of other contaminants (e.g., methyl tertiary butyl ether, dissolved organic carbon).
• Characterize Fe-GAC media.
• Correlate performance and media characterization for possible selection of two media for a future second phase of this project.
Aerogel & Iron-Oxide Impregnated Granular Activated Carbon Media For Arsenic Removal
The goal of this project is to validate proof-of-concept testing for iron enriched granular activated carbon (GAC) composites (aerogel-GAC or iron-oxide impregnated) as a viable adsorbent for removing arsenic from groundwater and conduct technical and economic feasibility assessments for these innovative processes. Specific project objectives include: • Conduct batch experiments for aerogel-GAC and Fe-oxide impregnated GAC composites to evaluate their performance removing arsenic.
• Evaluate Fe-GAC media performance in rapid small scale column tests (RSSCTs) to assess arsenic removal in a more dynamic treatment system.
• Evaluate Fe-GAC potential for removal of other contaminants (e.g., methyl tertiary butyl ether, dissolved organic carbon).
• Characterize Fe-GAC media.
• Correlate performance and media characterization for possible selection of two media for a future second phase of this project.
Big Data Analysis For Studying Water Supply And Sanitation Coverage In Cities (Russia)
Big data analysis for water supply and sanitation is important for ensuring urban viability. Our research is devoted to studying the methodology for analyzing big data of the water supply and sanitation systems. Based on a review of scientific publications and their analysis, a model for analyzing large data was proposed. It comprises information sources, data collection and storage platforms with indication of parameters for the programming model, runtime and
storage environment, as well as data analysis and processing.
Big Data Analysis For Studying Water Supply And Sanitation Coverage In Cities (Russia)
Big data analysis for water supply and sanitation is important for ensuring urban viability. Our research is devoted to studying the methodology for analyzing big data of the water supply and sanitation systems. Based on a review of scientific publications and their analysis, a model for analyzing large data was proposed. It comprises information sources, data collection and storage platforms with indication of parameters for the programming model, runtime and
storage environment, as well as data analysis and processing.
Removal of Aluminium from Drinking Water
Aluminium in drinking water comes from natural sources and the alum used as coagulant in the water treatment process. Exposure to aluminium has been implicated in dialysis dementia, Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease. Drinking water containing aluminium was considered to be one of the main sources of Al intake into human body. For this reason, the removal of aluminium from drinking water is vital to our health. In this study, removal of aluminium was carried out by using a chelating resin.
Removal of Aluminium from Drinking Water
Aluminium in drinking water comes from natural sources and the alum used as coagulant in the water treatment process. Exposure to aluminium has been implicated in dialysis dementia, Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease. Drinking water containing aluminium was considered to be one of the main sources of Al intake into human body. For this reason, the removal of aluminium from drinking water is vital to our health. In this study, removal of aluminium was carried out by using a chelating resin.
Biofilm Control Study
Darigold operates a milk products facility in Lynden, Washington. Production processes include evaporation of milk, which generates what is referred to as condensate of whey (COW) water. COW water contains low molecular weight organic compounds including traces of lactic acid, alcohols, acetoin, and non-protein nitrogen (Möslang, 2017). COW water and non-contact cooling water from the Darigold Lynden facility are currently discharged to Outfall 001, which combines with stormwater and the City of Lynden’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent discharge to the Nooksack River through the City’s outfall. Darigold’s discharge is regulated under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. WA0002470 administered by the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology). In the future, Darigold’s COW Water and non-contact cooling water will be directly discharged to the Nooksack River in a new outfall pipe (Outfall 002) currently being constructed by the City.
Biofilm Control Study
Darigold operates a milk products facility in Lynden, Washington. Production processes include evaporation of milk, which generates what is referred to as condensate of whey (COW) water. COW water contains low molecular weight organic compounds including traces of lactic acid, alcohols, acetoin, and non-protein nitrogen (Möslang, 2017). COW water and non-contact cooling water from the Darigold Lynden facility are currently discharged to Outfall 001, which combines with stormwater and the City of Lynden’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent discharge to the Nooksack River through the City’s outfall. Darigold’s discharge is regulated under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. WA0002470 administered by the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology). In the future, Darigold’s COW Water and non-contact cooling water will be directly discharged to the Nooksack River in a new outfall pipe (Outfall 002) currently being constructed by the City.
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