Chemical Oxidation Technologies

Chemical oxidation technologies have been used for many years to degrade a wide range of pollutants in wastewater and drinking water. Advanced chemical oxidation typically involves the use of chemical oxidants (e.g. ozone or hydrogen peroxide) to generate hydroxyl radicals (i.e. •OH), one of the strongest oxidants known.
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Chemical Oxidation Technologies

Chemical oxidation technologies have been used for many years to degrade a wide range of pollutants in wastewater and drinking water. Advanced chemical oxidation typically involves the use of chemical oxidants (e.g. ozone or hydrogen peroxide) to generate hydroxyl radicals (i.e. •OH), one of the strongest oxidants known.


Scope and application: For water and wastewater. Digestion is required for a total zinc analysis. 1 USEPA approved for wastewater analyses 3500 Zn B: Federal Register, 45(105) 36166 (May 29, 1980). 2 Adapted from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
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Scope and application: For water and wastewater. Digestion is required for a total zinc analysis. 1 USEPA approved for wastewater analyses 3500 Zn B: Federal Register, 45(105) 36166 (May 29, 1980). 2 Adapted from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.

Water Quality In The Distribution System

BACKGROUND Much emphasis has been placed on the multiple-barrier approach for protecting public health as it relates to public water supply. Historically, most of the emphasis has been placed on source water protection, water treatment, and disinfection processes. The distribution system, including piping, storage, and appurtenances, is a protective “barrier” that needs to be operated and maintained to prevent contamination as water travels to the customer. It is an integral part of the multiple-barrier approach designed to protect water from source to tap.
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Water Quality In The Distribution System

BACKGROUND Much emphasis has been placed on the multiple-barrier approach for protecting public health as it relates to public water supply. Historically, most of the emphasis has been placed on source water protection, water treatment, and disinfection processes. The distribution system, including piping, storage, and appurtenances, is a protective “barrier” that needs to be operated and maintained to prevent contamination as water travels to the customer. It is an integral part of the multiple-barrier approach designed to protect water from source to tap.
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