A Review on Smart Water Quality Monitoring System

Abstract: Wireless communication developments are creating new sensor capabilities. The current developments in the field of  sensor networks are critical for environmental applications. Internet of Things (IoT) allows connections among various devices with the ability to exchange and gather data. IoT also extends its capability to environmental issues in addition to automation industry by using industry 4.0. As water is one of the basic needs of human survival, it is required to incorporate some mechanism to monitor water quality time to time. Around 40% of deaths are caused due to contaminated water in the world. Hence, there is a necessity to ensure supply of purified drinking water for the people both in cities and villages. Water Quality Monitoring (WQM) is a cost-effective and efficient system designed to monitor drinking water quality which makes use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology.
A Review on Smart Water Quality Monitoring System
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A Review on Smart Water Quality Monitoring System

Abstract: Wireless communication developments are creating new sensor capabilities. The current developments in the field of  sensor networks are critical for environmental applications. Internet of Things (IoT) allows connections among various devices with the ability to exchange and gather data. IoT also extends its capability to environmental issues in addition to automation industry by using industry 4.0. As water is one of the basic needs of human survival, it is required to incorporate some mechanism to monitor water quality time to time. Around 40% of deaths are caused due to contaminated water in the world. Hence, there is a necessity to ensure supply of purified drinking water for the people both in cities and villages. Water Quality Monitoring (WQM) is a cost-effective and efficient system designed to monitor drinking water quality which makes use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology.

Study of IoT Based Smart Water Quality Monitoring System

Abstract: IoT based water quality parameter monitoring system is a significant interest in the field of cost-effective smart water quality monitoring systems. As we know that the population growth of your country is high in last few decades. In India, the demand for freshwater for drinking purposes, agriculture, and other activities is much higher than compared to other countries. The requirement of a smart water quality parameter monitoring system is necessary to reduce the time required in the traditional approach of water quality monitoring, and for real time monitoring. This literature survey work has been conducted in the field of smart water quality parameter monitoring systems. Sensor-based smart water quality parameter monitoring in past some research carried out which is deployed in the water.
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Study of IoT Based Smart Water Quality Monitoring System

Abstract: IoT based water quality parameter monitoring system is a significant interest in the field of cost-effective smart water quality monitoring systems. As we know that the population growth of your country is high in last few decades. In India, the demand for freshwater for drinking purposes, agriculture, and other activities is much higher than compared to other countries. The requirement of a smart water quality parameter monitoring system is necessary to reduce the time required in the traditional approach of water quality monitoring, and for real time monitoring. This literature survey work has been conducted in the field of smart water quality parameter monitoring systems. Sensor-based smart water quality parameter monitoring in past some research carried out which is deployed in the water.

Smart Water Quality Monitoring System using IOT and Electronic Sensors

Abstract: Water plays an Important role in our day to day life, our body consists of 70% of water, and the major diseases are caused due to the bad quality of water. How much ever we filter the water their might be few impurities in it, so we are using Internet of Things technology and sensors to measure the quality of water. Internet Of Things (IOT) is used in different area of research for monitoring and collecting data on a particular project. Smart Water Quality Monitoring System is necessary nowadays due to increase in pollution and other industrial waste which is being dumped in the water bodies, which makes water polluted even after purifying it. Around 40% of the death’s are caused due to water pollution around the world. With the help of smart water quality monitoring system we can find out if the water is pure or impure at an affordable cost.
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Smart Water Quality Monitoring System using IOT and Electronic Sensors

Abstract: Water plays an Important role in our day to day life, our body consists of 70% of water, and the major diseases are caused due to the bad quality of water. How much ever we filter the water their might be few impurities in it, so we are using Internet of Things technology and sensors to measure the quality of water. Internet Of Things (IOT) is used in different area of research for monitoring and collecting data on a particular project. Smart Water Quality Monitoring System is necessary nowadays due to increase in pollution and other industrial waste which is being dumped in the water bodies, which makes water polluted even after purifying it. Around 40% of the death’s are caused due to water pollution around the world. With the help of smart water quality monitoring system we can find out if the water is pure or impure at an affordable cost.
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