Green Public Procurement Criteria for Waste Water Infrastructure

Introduction This document provides the EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria recommended for the procurement of wastewater infrastructure projects. The accompanying Technical Background Report provides full details on the reasons for selecting these criteria and references for further information. The use of GPP criteria should be seen as an opportunity for wastewater managing authorities to build and operate wastewater infrastructures in an environmentally friendly manner. The document includes the following sections: Section 1 gives an introduction to the purpose and general idea of using GPP criteria for wastewater infrastructure projects. Section 2 shortly describes the type of wastewater infrastructure that is considered and included in the GPP criteria. Section 3 provides an overview of the main key environmental impacts related to wastewater infrastructure projects. Section 4 shortly describes the different phases in developing wastewater infrastructure projects and describes the GPP-related activities in the different phases, including a "decision tree" and examples of an evaluation model that can be used in connection with tendering of a wastewater infrastructure project. Section 5 sets out the recommended GPP criteria. Section 6 describes how Life Cycle Costing (LCC) can be used in GPP. Section 7 provides relevant European legislation and information sources. In general, EU GPP criteria1 correspond to two levels of ambition: Core GPP criteria address the most significant environmental impacts and are designed to be used with minimum additional verification effort or cost increases compared to purchase without green criteria. Comprehensive GPP criteria are intended for use by authorities who seek to purchase the best environmental products available on the market and may require additional administrative effort or imply a certain cost increase as compared to fulfilling the core criteria.
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Green Public Procurement Criteria for Waste Water Infrastructure

Introduction This document provides the EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria recommended for the procurement of wastewater infrastructure projects. The accompanying Technical Background Report provides full details on the reasons for selecting these criteria and references for further information. The use of GPP criteria should be seen as an opportunity for wastewater managing authorities to build and operate wastewater infrastructures in an environmentally friendly manner. The document includes the following sections: Section 1 gives an introduction to the purpose and general idea of using GPP criteria for wastewater infrastructure projects. Section 2 shortly describes the type of wastewater infrastructure that is considered and included in the GPP criteria. Section 3 provides an overview of the main key environmental impacts related to wastewater infrastructure projects. Section 4 shortly describes the different phases in developing wastewater infrastructure projects and describes the GPP-related activities in the different phases, including a "decision tree" and examples of an evaluation model that can be used in connection with tendering of a wastewater infrastructure project. Section 5 sets out the recommended GPP criteria. Section 6 describes how Life Cycle Costing (LCC) can be used in GPP. Section 7 provides relevant European legislation and information sources. In general, EU GPP criteria1 correspond to two levels of ambition: Core GPP criteria address the most significant environmental impacts and are designed to be used with minimum additional verification effort or cost increases compared to purchase without green criteria. Comprehensive GPP criteria are intended for use by authorities who seek to purchase the best environmental products available on the market and may require additional administrative effort or imply a certain cost increase as compared to fulfilling the core criteria.
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