The Potential Of The Blue Economy
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Artificial Intelligence In Emerging Markets Opportunities, Trends, And Emerging Business Models
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is changing business and society in ways that would have been unimaginable only a few years ago. Its full potential has yet to be realized—the way we gather information, make products, interact with businesses, and access products and services are all evolving. In emerging markets, AI offers an opportunity to reach the underserved by lowering costs and barriers to entry for entrepreneurs and businesses, creating innovative business models,
and leapfrogging traditional technologies. Private sector solutions lie at the heart of ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity, and AI is and will remain an integral part of that process. But much more can be done. This report explores the role of AI in emerging markets and developing
countries—both across and within key sectors—both today and in the future. It also examines the issue of gender bias, and how Big Data can advance, rather than impede, equality. If managed well, AI solutions will expand opportunities and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Artificial Intelligence In Emerging Markets Opportunities, Trends, And Emerging Business Models
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is changing business and society in ways that would have been unimaginable only a few years ago. Its full potential has yet to be realized—the way we gather information, make products, interact with businesses, and access products and services are all evolving. In emerging markets, AI offers an opportunity to reach the underserved by lowering costs and barriers to entry for entrepreneurs and businesses, creating innovative business models,
and leapfrogging traditional technologies. Private sector solutions lie at the heart of ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity, and AI is and will remain an integral part of that process. But much more can be done. This report explores the role of AI in emerging markets and developing
countries—both across and within key sectors—both today and in the future. It also examines the issue of gender bias, and how Big Data can advance, rather than impede, equality. If managed well, AI solutions will expand opportunities and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Business Analysis Methodology Book
Companies have to develop innovative and high-quality products faster than their competitors to create temporary monopoly periods with maximum profitability. However, they usually have tight deadlines and limited budgets for new product development projects. To overcome this challenge, high-performance companies apply a “lean” business analysis, design, and development approach that has its origins in the Toyota car production system. Lean mainly focuses on eliminating muda (waste) throughout the product development lifecycle (PDLC) and passing resource savings to innovative projects.
Business Analysis Methodology Book
Companies have to develop innovative and high-quality products faster than their competitors to create temporary monopoly periods with maximum profitability. However, they usually have tight deadlines and limited budgets for new product development projects. To overcome this challenge, high-performance companies apply a “lean” business analysis, design, and development approach that has its origins in the Toyota car production system. Lean mainly focuses on eliminating muda (waste) throughout the product development lifecycle (PDLC) and passing resource savings to innovative projects.
User’s Guide To Procurement Of Works
The Standard Bidding Document for the Procurement of Works–Small Contracts (SBD Works-Small) has been prepared by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for use in contracts involving “smaller” contracts—valued at generally less than $10 million by open competitive bidding. It is based on the Master Document for Procurement of Small Works, prepared by multilateral development banks and international financing institutions. It reflects the structure and the provisions of the Master Document, except where specific considerations within ADB have required a change. The SBD Works-Small follows a postqualification procedure that requires Bidders to submit the information pertaining to their qualifications together with their bids. In this event, it will be necessary to ensure that a Bidder’s risk of having its bid rejected on grounds of qualification is remote if due diligence is exercised by the Bidder during bid preparation. For that purpose, clear-cut, pass-fail qualification criteria need to be specified by the Employer in both the Invitation for Bids as well as the Bidding Document to enable Bidders to make an informed decision on whether to pursue a specific contract and, either to do so as a single entity or in Joint Venture. Postqualification criteria, requirements, and relevant forms for submission are covered in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria) and Section 4 (Bidding Forms). The SBD Works-Small is intended for both lump sum (activity schedule) and admeasurement (unit prices in a bill of quantities) types of contract, which are the most common in civil works contracting. Lump sum contracts are used particularly for building construction and other forms of construction where the works are well defined and are unlikely to change in quantity or specification, and where it is unlikely to encounter difficult or unforeseen site conditions (for example, hidden foundation problems). Otherwise, admeasurement contracts should be used. The main text is applicable to both types of contracts (lump sum and admeasurement). Fixed prices are provided as a default unless price adjustment is allowed and indicated in Section 2 (Bid Data Sheet). An important feature of the SBD Works-Small, which is only available in electronic format on the ADB website, is that it can be used with minimum changes, as it does not contain explanations, footnotes, or examples that should not form part of the Bidding Document. The provisions in Section 1 (Instructions to Bidders) and Section 7 (General Conditions of Contract) must be used with their text unchanged. This user’s guide is provided to guide employers in preparing a bidding document based on the SBD Works-Small for a single-stage: one-envelope bidding procedure. This guide includes the Bidding Process and the Invitation for Bids, which are not part of the Bidding Document. ADB welcomes any feedback or experiences from both Borrowers and Bidders on the use of its Standard Bidding Document. For information on procurement under ADB-financed projects, contact
User’s Guide To Procurement Of Works
The Standard Bidding Document for the Procurement of Works–Small Contracts (SBD Works-Small) has been prepared by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for use in contracts involving “smaller” contracts—valued at generally less than $10 million by open competitive bidding. It is based on the Master Document for Procurement of Small Works, prepared by multilateral development banks and international financing institutions. It reflects the structure and the provisions of the Master Document, except where specific considerations within ADB have required a change. The SBD Works-Small follows a postqualification procedure that requires Bidders to submit the information pertaining to their qualifications together with their bids. In this event, it will be necessary to ensure that a Bidder’s risk of having its bid rejected on grounds of qualification is remote if due diligence is exercised by the Bidder during bid preparation. For that purpose, clear-cut, pass-fail qualification criteria need to be specified by the Employer in both the Invitation for Bids as well as the Bidding Document to enable Bidders to make an informed decision on whether to pursue a specific contract and, either to do so as a single entity or in Joint Venture. Postqualification criteria, requirements, and relevant forms for submission are covered in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria) and Section 4 (Bidding Forms). The SBD Works-Small is intended for both lump sum (activity schedule) and admeasurement (unit prices in a bill of quantities) types of contract, which are the most common in civil works contracting. Lump sum contracts are used particularly for building construction and other forms of construction where the works are well defined and are unlikely to change in quantity or specification, and where it is unlikely to encounter difficult or unforeseen site conditions (for example, hidden foundation problems). Otherwise, admeasurement contracts should be used. The main text is applicable to both types of contracts (lump sum and admeasurement). Fixed prices are provided as a default unless price adjustment is allowed and indicated in Section 2 (Bid Data Sheet). An important feature of the SBD Works-Small, which is only available in electronic format on the ADB website, is that it can be used with minimum changes, as it does not contain explanations, footnotes, or examples that should not form part of the Bidding Document. The provisions in Section 1 (Instructions to Bidders) and Section 7 (General Conditions of Contract) must be used with their text unchanged. This user’s guide is provided to guide employers in preparing a bidding document based on the SBD Works-Small for a single-stage: one-envelope bidding procedure. This guide includes the Bidding Process and the Invitation for Bids, which are not part of the Bidding Document. ADB welcomes any feedback or experiences from both Borrowers and Bidders on the use of its Standard Bidding Document. For information on procurement under ADB-financed projects, contact
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation: How Can Resourcing Be Managed Effectively?
This publication forms part of a series looking at Citywide Inclusive Sanitation in terms of three closely related requirements for achieving safe, inclusive and sustainable urban sanitation: clear responsibility, strong accountability, and fit-for-purpose resource planning and management (Figure 1). Responsibility defines what entity has a mandate to deliver a service. Accountability mechanisms are then required to make sure that mandated responsibilities are fulfilled. Effective resource planning and management are required to so that mandated entities are sufficiently resourced to be able to fulfil their mandate. These three functions(responsibility, accountability, resource planning and management) are introduced in three short initial publications released in May 2021. This paper is one of three complementary publications that explain these functions in more detail, on the basis of specific case studies: this publication focuses on resource planning and management.
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation: How Can Resourcing Be Managed Effectively?
This publication forms part of a series looking at Citywide Inclusive Sanitation in terms of three closely related requirements for achieving safe, inclusive and sustainable urban sanitation: clear responsibility, strong accountability, and fit-for-purpose resource planning and management (Figure 1). Responsibility defines what entity has a mandate to deliver a service. Accountability mechanisms are then required to make sure that mandated responsibilities are fulfilled. Effective resource planning and management are required to so that mandated entities are sufficiently resourced to be able to fulfil their mandate. These three functions(responsibility, accountability, resource planning and management) are introduced in three short initial publications released in May 2021. This paper is one of three complementary publications that explain these functions in more detail, on the basis of specific case studies: this publication focuses on resource planning and management.
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