Agricultural Wastewater Treatment

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In many semiarid and arid countries, water is now becoming an increasingly limited resource and managers are forced to take into account sources of water that may be used economically and efficiently to encourage further development. Simultaneously, with the population increasing at a high rate, the requirement for increased production of food is apparent. The prospective for irrigation to increase both the agricultural productivity and living standards of the poor has long been acknowledged. Irrigated agriculture occupies nearly 17% of the total arable land in the world but the yield from this land includes about 34% of the world total. This perspective is even more distinct in arid areas like the Near East Region, where only 30% of the cultivated land is irrigated but it yields around 75% of total agricultural production. In the same area, more than 50% of the food necessities are imported and the increased rate in demand for the food surpasses the rate of an upsurge in agricultural production (Tunney et al., 2000).


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