Database Of Permitting Practices For Seawater Desalination Concentrate

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The purpose of this research project was to identify the discharge information that permitting agencies need and the decision-making process they go through to permit discharge methods in order to help desalination project proponents focus and expedite their permitting efforts.
The project documented seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) discharge regulatory issues and provided a critical overview of facility discharge-related information required for permitting desalination projects in the United States and selected countries with advanced environmental regulations and experience in implementing seawater desalination projects. Information was gathered from the three key U.S. states (California, Florida, Texas) where interest in SWRO desalination has been highest. Due to the more extensive international experience with SWRO desalination, information was also obtained from the countries of Australia, Israel, and Spain – all countries of significant recent large-scale SWRO desalination projects. Case studies of 11 SWRO plants and analysis of regulatory systems and permitting processes supported detailed definition of the decision-making process to set discharge permit limits, as well as defining environmental and other regulatory issues associated with concentrate regulation.


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